This brief describes the major Elite organizations, the Bilderbergs (BB), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Trilateral Commission (TC), is intended to be brief.
The fundamental differences between these three Elite secret organizations are:
1. The BB members are largely from Western Europe, Turkey, Greece, the Scandinavian countries, the US and Canada.
2. The CFR members were originally from the New York City area, but later expanded to include Washington, DC, and then the rest of the US. There are similar organizations in most developed countries. Many are called Round Tables, which originated in Oxford University in England, and which were formed under the direction of Cecil Rhodes and the House of Rothschild.
3. The TC members come from all the same above areas, but in this case the Japanese were included, because of their dominance of the banking industry. Fifteen of the largest banks in the world are located in Japan.
4. All three are secret organizations, but the BB's are the most secretive of the three. When they meet, they clear out all the people in the buildings in which they are to meet, they completely de-bug all the rooms, bring in their own cooks, waiters, housekeepers, heavily armed security guards, etc., and do not allow outsiders anywhere near the meeting place just before, during, and immediately after they meet.
They claim that there are no written records taken of their discussions, but "The Spotlight" (a weekly newspaper, published by Liberty Lobby) has occasionally acquired very detailed documents that prove otherwise. The attendees are required to maintain complete and absolute secrecy regarding their deliberations.
Liberty Lobby's crack investigative reporters on "The Spotlight" have positioned a mole within the BB that somehow acquires a copy of the invitation list, and often a copy of the agenda, but have never penetrated the actual meetings (to date). Each time that they have met on US soil, the meetings were held on Rockefeller property.