The Bilderbergs (BB)

John J. McCloy used his position as coordinator of information for the US government to build the framework of what was to become the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) headed by Bill Donovan.

During 1947, the OSS was rolled into a new group called the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by the 1947 National Security Act, which made the activities of the CIA immune to all civil and criminal laws. In 1950 General Walter Bedel Smith became Director of the CIA. The CIA helped organize and sponsored the formation and operation of the Bilderberg Conferences.

Kai Bird's excellent account in The Chairman, John J. McCoy, The Making of the American Establishment, states: "In late 1952, Retinger went to America to try the idea out on his American contacts. Among others, he saw such old friends as Averell Harriman, David Rockefeller, Bedell Smith, then director of the CIA. After Retinger explained his proposal, Smith said, 'Why the hell didn't you come to me in the first place?' He quickly referred Retinger to C. D. Jackson, who was about to become Eisenhower's special assistant for psychological warfare. It took a while for Jackson to organize the American wing of the group, but finally, in May 1954, the first conference was held in the Hotel de Bilderberg, a secluded hotel in Holland, near the German border. Prince Bernhard and Retinger drew up the list of invitees from the European countries, while Jackson controlled the American list."

Prince Bernhard, of The Netherlands, became the first Chairman, and served in this post until scandall forced him to resign in 1974. Dr. Retinger became the first Secretary.

Liberty Lobby, Inc., 300 Independence Ave., SE, Washington, D.C. 20003, publishes a weekly newspaper, titled "The Spotlight". At my request, they sent me a reprint of a summary of Bilderberg information, titled "Spotlight On The Bilderbergers, Irresponsible Power", published mid- June, 1975. Page 6 of this document reveals: "The Congressional Record - U.S. Senate, April 11, 1964, states:,

(Speaking) - Mr. (Jacob) Javits - 'Mr. President, the 13th in a series of Bilderberg meetings on international affairs, in which I participated, was held in Williamsburg, VA, on March 20, 21, and 22. I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the Record a background paper entitled - The Bilderberg Meetings.'

The Bilderberg Meetings

The idea of the Bilderberg meetings originated in the early fifties. Changes had taken place on the international political and economic scene after World War II. The countries of the Western World felt the need for closer collaboration to protect their moral and ethical values, their democratic institutions, and their independence against the growing Communist threat. The Marshall plan and NATO were examples of collective efforts of Western countries to join hands in economic and military matters after World War II.

In the early 1950 's, a number of people on both sides of the Atlantic sought a means of bringing together leading citizens, not necessarily connected with government, for informal discussions of problems facing the Atlantic community. Such meetings, they felt, would create a better understanding of the forces and trends affecting Western nations, in particular. They believed that direct exchanges could help to clear up differences and misunderstandings that might weaken the West.

One of the men who saw the need for such discussions was the late Dr. Joseph Hieronim Retinger. (as a matter of interest, the name Hieronim is literally translated as meaning "MEMBER OF THE OCCULT"). In 1952, he approached His Royal Highness, Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands, with the suggestion of informal and unofficial meetings to discuss the problems facing the Atlantic community. Others in Europe wholeheartedly supported the idea, and proposals were submitted to American friends to join in the undertaking. A number of Americans, including C. D. Jackson, the late General Walter Bedell Smith, and the late John Coleman, agreed to cooperate.

The first meeting that brought Americans and Europeans together took place under the chairmanship of Prince Bernhard (of The Netherlands) at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland, from May 29 to May 31, 1954. Ever since, the meetings have been called Bilderberg meetings.

No Strict Rules of Procedure

From the outset, it was the intentions of the Bilderberg founders and participants that no strict rules of procedure govern the meetings. Every effort was made to create a relaxed, informal atmosphere conducive to free and frank discussions. Bilderberg is in no sense a policy-making body. No conclusions are reached. There is no voting, and no resolutions are passed. The meetings are off- the- record. Only the participants themselves may attend the meetings.


It was obvious from the first that the success of the meetings would depend primarily on the level of the participants. Leading figures from many fields - industry, labor, education, government, etc. - are invited, who, through their special knowledge or experience, can help to further Bilderberg objectives. Representatives of governments attend in a personal, and not an official capacity. An attempt is made to include participants representing many political parties and points of view. American participation has included Members of Congress of both parties.

Over the years, Bilderberg participants have come from the NATO countries, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, and Finland, and have included prominent individuals such as Dean Rusk, Christian A. Herter, Maurice Faure, Franz-Josef Strauss, Amitore Fanfani, Panayotis Pipinelis, Reginald Maudling, the late Hugh Gaitskell, Omer Becu, Guy Mollet, the late Michael Ross, Herman Abs, C. L. Sulzberger, Joseph Harsch, and T. M. Terkelsen. Individuals with international responsibilities have also participated, among them being Gen. Alfred Gruenther, Lord Ismay, Eugene Black, Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, Paul-Henry Spaak, and the late Per Jacobsson.

The Meetings

Bilderberg meetings are held at irregular intervals, but have taken place once or twice a year since 1954. All the early conferences were held in Europe, but a meeting is now held on this side of the Atlantic every few years to provide a convenient opportunity for American and Canadian participants to attend.

The above is what they want you to believe. Below is much closer to the real truth. "The Spotlight" reports that the Bilderberg meetings are highly secret, and are held at random times each year, and rarely at the same location, for security reasons. The responsibility for security for these meetings is in the hands of the government of the country in which the meetings are held.

They must supply military security, secret service, national and local police and private security personnel to protect the privacy and safety of these very powerful international Elite members who are not required to conform to regulations that private citizens are subjected- to, such as customs searches, visas requirements, or public notice of their meetings. When they meet, no outsiders are allowed in or near the building. They bring their own food, cooks, waiters, telephone operators, housekeepers and bodyguards.

The Bilderberg membership is made up of Kings, Queens, Princes, Chancellors, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ambassadors, Secretaries of State, Wall Street investors, international bankers, news media executives, and wealthy industrialist. Their meetings are by invitation only, and no outsiders in the news media are allowed, except by special invitation.

However, the news media are always present at these meetings such as:

Peter Jennings (BB and Anchor & Senior Editor of ABC News, World News Tonight),

Joseph C. Harsch (BB, CFR and former Commentator for NBC, Inc.)

Bill D. Moyers (BB and Executive Director of Public Affairs TV, Inc. and former Director of the CFR)

William F. Buckley, Jr. (BB, CFR and Editor-in-Chief of "National Review" and host of PBS's Firing Line)

Gerald Piel (BB, CFR and former Chairman of Scientific America, Inc.)

Henry Anatole Grunwald (BB, CFR and former Editor-in-Chief of "Time, Inc.")

Mortimer B. Zuckerman (BB, CFR and Chairman & Editor - in - Chief of the "US News and World Report", "New York Daily News "and "Atlantic Monthly")

Robert L. Bartley (BB, CFR, TC and Vice President of the "Wall Street Journal"),

Peter Robert Kann (BB, CFR and Chairman & CEO of Dow Jones & Company, and husband of Karen E. House, CFR)

William Kristol (BB and Editor & Publisher of the new "The Weekly Standard" magazine)

Donald (Don) C. Cook (BB, CFR and former European Diplomatic Correspondent for the "Los Angeles Times"),

Robert Leroy Bartley (BB, CFR, TC and Vice President of the "Wall Street Journal")

Albert J. Wohlstetter (BB, CFR and writer for the "Wall Street Journal")

Thomas L. Friedman (BB, CFR, TC and columnist for the "New York Times")

And the "Queen" of the Elite - Katharine Graham (BB, CFR, TC and Owner and Chairwoman of the Executive Committee of the "Washington Post").

Even though these media moguls attend the secret meetings, they do not file reports about the Elite Bilderberg activities during their meetings, nor do they allow their reporters to write about these meetings.

A couple of weeks before the 1996 BB meeting, "The Spotlight" sent over 600 notices to key members of all forms of news media, including Rush Limbaugh, Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, and other prominent members of news magazines, newspapers, television and radio, advising them of the pending meeting, telling the date, time and place that the meeting would take place and a list of probable attendees. Only four newspapers showed up, the "Toronto Sun", "Toronto Star", "Globe & Mail", and "The Spotlight". The word is that Katherine Graham put the word out that this meeting was "NOT" to be covered by any news media for "ANY" reason. I personally called the editor of "USA Today" to warn him of this meeting at least a week prior to this meeting. A couple of weeks later, when asked why they did not attend, the answer was "We had more important news to cover during this period."

More very revealing facts about the Bilderbergs will see sunshine soon. - Stay tuned.

The Bilderberg's addresses are:


Charles W. Muller
Phone: 1-212-879-0545
American Friends of Bilderbergs, Inc.
477 Madison Ave., 6 th Floor
New York, NY 10022


Maja Banck-Polderman
Phone: 31 20 625 0252
Fax: 31 20 624 4299
Bilderberg Meetings
Amstel 216
1017 AJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands